Another day, another deadline dealt with. My thoughts for this segment of classes? Drop or reschedule something. I feel like with the 3 major projects in that short time frame, my mind was not fully in anything, just rushing rushing rushing! I'm leaning towards adjusting the number of reflexive writing assignments to 2, allowing more time to work on each part, and of course requiring more work. I really do feel that would decrease the pressure immensely, and also simultaneously increase the quality on the group presentations and the professional presentation, in addition to the quality of the reflexive writing assignments itself. But I finally finished everything, so that's a relief. ...uhh, that's...all I have to say this time! See you in a weeeekkk, mind fleek.
One thing I’m trying to include a lot of with your daily serving of college kid whining is lots of pretty pictures that (in my opinion) help to establish a mood for each entry, or otherwise provide some visual aid. If you’re wondering- each and every image on here will always be made or drawn by yours truly. Why? Because of my crippling and totally unreasonable paranoia that someone, somewhere, READING THIS BLOG AT THIS EXACT MOMENT is waiting for me to use something in a totally harmless way and then POUNCE AND SUE ME. And well…I don’t want that. I need that money so I can waste it on chocolate puffs at the ice cream and chocolate shop not far enough away from here. So, unless it illustrates some point far better than I can with my box of crayons, I shall continue to only use my images until I have a lawyer that does all the copyright stuff for me. I could use my creepily lawyer-like dad, but I feel weird about that… “Hey, Dad, um…can you tell me if I’m violating copyright law?!” “…uhh…I…I’m busy [playing Collapse on MSNGames]” “DAD PLEASE IT’S IMPORTANT [shoves sheaf of papers at him]” “GO TO YOUR ROOM” “…BUT THAT’S DOWN IN SARASOTA! DAAADDD!” “GO! GO AWAY!” [struggle] (By the way, if this seems unsettlingly violent to you, then you can relax- we get paid to do this. …Wait, wrong answer. I mean, we do this all the time. Gratuitous martial arts fantasy violence is my family’s way of showing our bond. You should see when my bro and I go at it- it kind of looks like the following video)
Uhh, my point is, I like seeing my own pictures above my own words above my own name. I am all about total self-sufficiency.
(By the way, I might do a post on what they're doing in that video- parkour/free running. It's just one more unusual career goal of my brother's and mine)