For my communication class.

I've noticed that people will often chide me for being "too nice" or "wimpy" (I prefer ridiculously laid back and/or lazy). This is okay to me. I'd rather be "too nice" than constantly express "DEAR HELL WHO PEED IN YOUR COFFEE" caliber rage. I also prefer chilly silent anger than "Punch You in the Jeans" anger...but that's another entry.
My point is that you would think this gave me leeway when my mouth lets escape a pointed remark in a fit of delirium. (See: running late for class)
I've found that, instead, people tend to REMEMBER. EVERY. EXACT. WORD I SAID. For yearsss after the fact. I mean, I'm absolutely ecstatic that people are apparently hanging on my every word, that was a little dream of mine, but when my roommate remembers an offhand remark I said that, according to reports, was arrogantly dismissive, it gives me pause. Also...I don't sweat small stuff, so although I'm sure it wasn't as vitriolic as she perceived it, I have no other context to place that in besides her view, since I filed that memory away, oh say, about 5 minutes after it happened. I guess what I'm trying to say is.... I SWEAR I'M NOT A PURPOSELY BAD PERSON (insert sob) LEAVE ME ALONNEEE
Also, it's so weird how something that you say offhand with absolutely no strong feeling or thought behind it can live on for years as a virtual clothespin stuck on someone's nose. (...Interesting analogy. I like this blogging thing; it makes me sound vaguely intelligent.) Although we're good friends, she will always remember that exchange, as well as my defense years later when she told me. It''s actually a little creepy.

And that was my allowance of paranoia for the day, back to being cheerfully disaffected!


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