For my communication class.


This lady proudly proclaims she is the only person in the world who knits conceptual pieces on an extreme miniature scale. I believe her. She, no matter what you feel about it, is a professional. She is the best at what she does, an expert in her field. She is also extremely fulfilled. She loves her job, and working in miniature has been her passion since she was young. Many "traditional" business types might scoff at her. They may say, "Professional? More like quack! The financial reports I proofread have much more of an impact on the world! My work gets things done". I would say "Hmm, not true. Her work is a fundamental element of one of my, and many others', favorite movies! That movie in turn inspired the aforementioned and me, and we then used that inspiration to do many things in all fields. Your red penned financial report spelling checks passed under your boss' eyes, then situated themselves firmly into a filing cabinet, never to be seen again, except in cases of audits...if you're lucky. You are BOTH professionals!"

ETA: Accounting is Very Important. I take an Accounting class. But the balance sheets only as important as the thing it's supporting.


After this video you might dismiss this man as some crazy kid pulling a stunt. This man, in addition to being my brother's role model, is a professional. More specifically, he is a professional CHAMPION. Takeru Kobayashi is ranked as the 3rd competitive eater in the world, and held the record for hot dog eating for 6 years. He has broken many records. You can read all about it on Google or something.
"Ha!" Financial Proofreader man screeches victoriously. "His work is much less important than mine! Who needs competitive eaters?"
"Hm, Takeru Kobayashi has a Wikipedia page. You don't. So Wikipedia needs competitive eaters. Also, my brother views Kobayashi as a role model. Kobayashi is notoriously fit and dedicated to his chosen mission. He works out constantly, and trains for hours. My brother saw something he liked, and uses him as inspiration for bodybuilding. Also, they both like to eat. Kobayashi's determination, dedication, and hard work are all much sought after traits in the business word. You are BOTH professionals!"

ETA: This is my competitive eating role model: (Please do not inquire further as to why my brother and I are so into large amounts of food, we both possess extremely healthy appetites, and food is tasty).

Isn't she amazing?! Gal Sone really loves eating. She is a good example of loving your job. Enough to eat 20lbs of noodles.


Stephen Colbert, folks.
What I love: Stephen Colbert loves his job so much, he never steps down for one second from his "Colberrrrr" persona.
"Stephen Colbert is just doing what many have done before him. Comedian news reporters are nothing new!" Yes, but your kids don't care about older comedians. And kids are more tuned into politics because Colbert has made them relevant and entertaining. When they don't get a joke, you know what they do? They look it up. And also, he's hilarious without being gross and/or profane. He stays in character to a fault. Dedication, creativity, and hard work. So that is why he is a professional. The suit doesn't hurt, either.

Next, I'm gathering materials for a PEOPLE WHO DON'T LOVE THEIR JOBS post.


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